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Den Applications: Closed
Event Submissions: Closed

Media Access Policy

Version: 1.0

Published: 24/10/2023

What is this Document?

This document outlines the Scotiacon policy on media access to the convention; how to request access, our rules on the types of access granted and what they allow, and what is allowable without prior permissions.

Scotiacon and the Media

Scotiacon recognises that there may be media interest in our events. Our events are private and for the entertainment of our members only; we do not generally engage in specific outreach to organisations or education about our community or its members. Therefore, in the interests of member privacy, we do not typically grant media access to our events and advise our attendees not to engage with any unsanctioned media presence around our venue. To ensure the safety and comfort of our attendees, we enforce a strict policy to manage media access to our event space.

Media Access

Generally speaking, we do not allow media or press access to our event, nor do we allow for any commercial media activity on site. Requests for access should be directed to our general contact address at [email protected] where they will be directed to our Directors for consideration. Such requests must be made no less than one month prior to the first day of the event.

Where access is granted, this will be on a strictly limited basis, the nature of which will be described in a written confirmation. No access or activity should be attempted without such a confirmation in hand. Should any such unauthorised access or activity be identified, it will be required that any media captured, in any format, be deleted and offenders may be removed from the event venue. Should a given offender be registered with the convention as an attendee, we reserve the right to cancel such registrations with immediate effect and with no refund of convention fees, hotel fees, or recompense of any kind.

Standard Rules Where Media Access is Granted

Where media access is granted, the following rules will always apply unless specifically waived in the written confirmation from the Directors.

  • Any permission granted is strictly time, location, and purpose limited.
  • Activity should not disrupt any convention activity.
  • Activity should not cause distress to convention attendees.
  • Any convention attendee has the right to object to being included in any media and request their exclusion from such activity. Such requests must be observed and actioned immediately.
  • The organisers of any specific panel or event within the convention has the right to deny access to their activity.
  • No media access will be granted under any circumstances to the Live Art Auction, Silent Art Auction, or Dealers Den and no media of any kind should be obtained within them.
  • All media obtained at our event may only be used in one continuous article or segment specifically relating to Scotiacon only.

Media Contact to Attendees

Where an attendee is contacted by the media, we would recommend and advise such contact is redirected to our general contact email address at [email protected] where we can manage any requests appropriately. We would additionally advise not to engage with any such requests yourself.

Personal Recording by Attendees

Scotiacon allows for attendees at our events to make video recordings and take photographs. Such media should be for personal and non-commercial use only.

We do, however, make exceptions for specifically requested and paid for photoshoots organised by attendees for themselves. Both the photographer and those involved in the photoshoot will need to be a registered attendee to be allowed into the event. Such photoshoots do not require prior written approval but will need to abide by the rules above and our Code of Conduct.

We also allow attendees to create non-monetised video content for their own personal YouTube, TikTok, or other video sharing channels. Again, such activity will need to abide by the rules above and our Code of Conduct.